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source: google.com |
As Moh Yasir Alimi, a researcher at the Center for Cultural Pluralism, Democracy and Character Building at Semarang State University, wrote for TheJakartaPost: "Gus Dur is no longer with us, but Gus Dur is like a pebble dropped in water that vanishes, as James W. Foley described in his poem. 'But there are half-a-hundred (perhaps endless) ripples circling on and on and on/ Spreading, spreading from the center, flowing on out to the sea/And there is no way of telling where the end is going to be.'"
So, Alimi is hoping that let the memory of Gus Dur warm our hearts and help us to handle the hatred and violence that dominates our public life today. Remembering the spirit of Gus Dur, let us embrace the words of Rumi: “Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder. Help someone’s soul heal. Walk out of your house like a shepherd.”
Here is the syiir I mentioned earlier:
Original in Javanese | My English Version |
Syiir Tanpo Waton | Borderless Poem |
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Ngawiti ingsun nglaras syi’iran | I begin this reciting |
Kelawan muji maring pengeran | with Allah’s name in praising |
Kang paring rohmat lan kenikmatan | which has given us bless and gratification |
Rino wengine tanpo pitungan | day and night without any consideration |
Rino wengine tanpo pitungan | day and night without any consideration |
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Duh bolo konco priyo wanito | o all my fellow, men and women also |
Ojo mung ngaji syareat bloko | do not learn a mere sharia so-so |
Gur pinter ndongeng nulis lan moco | in where you only fluent in speak, read and write |
Tembe mburine bakal sangsoro | but in the end all you have is a mere regret |
Tembe mburine bakal sangsoro | but in the end all you have is a mere regret |
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Akeh kang apal Quran Haditse | many whom memorized Quran and Hadith |
Seneng ngafirke marang liyane | but liking to consider else as infidel filth |
Kafire dewe dak digatekke | their own infidelity often out of concern |
Yen isih kotor ati akale | that their heart and mind still filled with stain |
Yen isih kotor ati akale | that their heart and mind still filled with stain |
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Gampang kabujuk nafsu angkoro | easily seduced by lustful egoism |
Ing pepaese gebyare dunyo | in the sparkling and glittering of worldly hedonism |
Iri lan meri sugihe tonggo | full of envious jealousy of others richness |
Mulo atine peteng lan nisto | that is why their heart full of stigma and darkness |
Mulo atine peteng lan nisto | that is why their heart full of stigma and darkness |
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Ayo sedulur jo nglaleake | o my brother please do not lose this reminder |
Wajibe ngaji sa’pranatane | the obligatory to learn with all its order |
nggo ngandelake iman tauhide | for thickening our faith and tauheed |
Baguse sangu mulyo matine | as the best provisions in pronouncing the death creed |
Baguse sangu mulyo matine | as the best provisions in pronouncing the death creed |
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Kang aran sholeh bagus atine | the most pious people is the most kindhearted |
Kerono mapan seri ngelmune | because their knowledge is well-established |
Laku thoriqot lan ma’rifate | doing the thariqa until revealed the ma’rifa |
Ugo haqiqot manjing rasane | and finally arriving at the absorbing haqiqa |
Ugo haqiqot manjing rasane | and finally arriving at the absorbing haqiqa |
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Al Quran Qodim wahyu minulyo | The Timeless Quran is a noble revelation |
Tanpo tinulis iso diwoco | though unwritten but readable in pronunciation |
Iku wejangan gusu waskito | that is the teaching of clear-sighted teacher |
Den tancepake ing jero dodo | and have this implanted inside your chest deeper and deeper |
Den tancepake ing jero dodo | and have this implanted inside your chest deeper and deeper |
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Kumantil ati lan pikiran | after it embedded in your minds and hearts |
Mrasuk ing badan kabeh jeroan | it will obsess your bodies and innards |
Mu’jizat rosul dadi pedoman | The Miracle of The Messenger (Quran) become a guidance |
Minongko dalan manjinge iman | as a entering doorway of the faith radiance |
Minongko dalan manjinge iman | as a entering doorway of the faith radiance |
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Kelawan Alloh kang moho suci | in Allah The Most Exalted |
Kudu rangkulan rino lan wengi | we must day and night approached and asked |
Ditirakati diriyadlohi | with all of our tiraka and effort |
Dzikir lan suluk jo nganti lali | and not to forget zikr and so forth |
Dzikir lan suluk jo nganti lali | and not to forget zikr and so forth |
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Uripe ayem rumongso aman | our life will be tranquil and peaceful |
Dununge roso tondo yen iman | which is a sign of our beliefs and faithful |
Sabar narimo nadjan pas-pasan | forbearing the unbearable incidence |
Kabeh tinakdir saking pengeran | with a consciousness of Allah’s providence |
Kabeh tinakdir saking pengeran | with a consciousness of Allah’s providence |
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Kelawan konco dulur lan tonggo | with friends, brothers and neighbors fellow |
Kang podo rukun ojo dursilo | live harmoniously without fuss and row |
Iku sunnahe rosul kang mulyo | this is the Sunna of The Noble Messenger |
Nabi Muhammad panutan kito | Prophet Muhammad our adviser and leader |
Nabi Muhammad panutan kito | Prophet Muhammad our adviser and leader |
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Ayuh nglakoni sekabehane | let’s do this with all our ability |
Alloh kang bakal ngangkat drajate | Allah that will raise our degree and nobility |
Senadjan asor toto dzohire | even though considered physically low and humble |
Ananging mulyo maqom drajate | but spiritually we will be seen as high and noble |
Ananging mulyo maqom drajate | but spiritually we will be seen as high and noble |
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Lamun palastro ing pungkasane | and when finally come the time to die |
Ora kesasar roh lan sukmane | our spirits and souls will not lost and stray |
Den gadang Alloh swargo manggone | Allah will laud us with the His paradise |
Utuh mayite ugo ulese | and our corpse will remain intact and our shroud will stay flawless |
Utuh mayite ugo ulese | and our corpse will remain intact and our shroud will stay flawless |
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I'm seeking for Allah's forgiveness, and Allah knows what is right.
it was not composed by GD, actually
ReplyDeletemany thanks for your kind remindeing to my negligence and carelessness... Syiir Tanpo Waton is actually composed and recited by Gus Nizam...
DeleteRevised. Syi'ir Tanpo Waton was composed by Gus Nizam from Pesantren Darul Shofa Wal Wafa Desa Tanggul Simoketawang,Wonoayu Krian Sidoarjo. I'm terribly sorry for my negligence....
Mantab mbah... suwun.. tapi sayang kulo mboten ahli bahas inggris hehehe
ReplyDeletehehe... pangestune Mbah... mbok bileh enten tiyang jabi ingkang tertarik nyinauni syiir-syiir jawi... hehe