Saturday, November 17, 2012

Gus Dur and Syi'ir Tanpo Waton

gus dur
Gus Dur’s charisma, even after his demise, can be traced in his spritual fame that has became legacy for humanity. Its’ so embedded and phenomenal. Following is a “syi'ir” or poem in Javanese that often considered as reflections of Gus Dur's humanist teachings. 

This poem, which composed by Gus Nizam from Pesantren Darul Shofa Wal Wafa Desa Tanggul Simoketawang,Wonoayu Krian Sidoarjo, is often considered composed by Gus Dur—and I was one of those who thinks so. This is mainly because each line in the poem is so close to Gus Dur personality in defending pluralism and humanity in Indonesia.

In an occasion, Gus Dur’s bestfriend, i.e Gus Mus (KH. A. Mustofa Bisri) once wrote: “If Bung Karno’s charisma in the past—especially overseas—is well beyond Indonesia itself, or say that Indonesia is Bung karno and vice versa, then now is the time that Gus Dur’s charm personality exceeded Nahdlatul Ulama or say that Nahdlatul Ulama is Gus Dur and vice versa.”

Syi'ir Tanpo Waton

Ngawiti ingsun nglaras syi’iran
Kelawan muji maring pengeran
Kang paring rohmat lan kenikmatan
Rino wengine tanpo pitungan 
Rino wengine tanpo pitungan 

Duh bolo konco priyo wanito
Ojo mung ngaji syareat bloko
Gur pinter ndongeng nulis lan moco
Tembe mburine bakal sangsoro
Tembe mburine bakal sangsoro

Akeh kang apal Quran Haditse
Seneng ngafirke marang liyane
Kafire dewe dak digatekke
Yen isih kotor ati akale
Yen isih kotor ati akale

Gampang kabujuk nafsu angkoro
Ing pepaese gebyare dunyo
Iri lan meri sugihe tonggo
Mulo atine peteng lan nisto
Mulo atine peteng lan nisto

Ayo sedulur jo nglaleake
Wajibe ngaji sa'pranatane
nggo ngandelake iman tauhide
Baguse sangu mulyo matine
Baguse sangu mulyo matine

Kang aran sholeh bagus atine
Kerono mapan seri ngelmune
Laku thoriqot lan ma'rifate
Ugo haqiqot manjing rasane
Ugo haqiqot manjing rasane

Al Quran Qodim wahyu minulyo
Tanpo tinulis iso diwoco
Iku wejangan gusu waskito
Den tancepake ing jero dodo
Den tancepake ing jero dodo

Kumantil ati lan pikiran
Mrasuk ing badan kabeh jeroan
Mu'jizat rosul dadi pedoman
Minongko dalan manjinge iman
Minongko dalan manjinge iman

Kelawan Alloh kang moho suci
Kudu rangkulan rino lan wengi
Ditirakati diriyadlohi
Dzikir lan suluk jo nganti lali
Dzikir lan suluk jo nganti lali

Uripe ayem rumongso aman
Dununge roso tondo yen iman
Sabar narimo nadjan pas-pasan
Kabeh tinakdir saking pengeran
Kabeh tinakdir saking pengeran

Kelawan konco dulur lan tonggo
Kang podo rukun ojo dursilo
Iku sunnahe rosul kang mulyo
Nabi Muhammad panutan kito
Nabi Muhammad panutan kito

Ayuh nglakoni sekabehane
Alloh kang bakal ngangkat drajate
Senadjan asor toto dzohire
Ananging mulyo maqom drajate
Ananging mulyo maqom drajate

Lamun palastro ing pungkasane
Ora kesasar roh lan sukmane
Den gadang Alloh swargo manggone
Utuh mayite ugo ulese
Utuh mayite ugo ulese
In few days ahead, I'll translate this to English so you can learn it too.... :)


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