Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Process versus Final Result

life is a continual process
"Forget your past so you can embrace your future," he said.

"How can I do that? Everyone know that man is a product of his past," I asked.

"Do whatever it takes! Because only then you will be able to swing a lighter step towards the infinite horizon of the future without a compulsory to bear the burden that might inhibits your efforts. "

"A heavy choice,” I can only sigh. “I'm not sure I can do that. "

The Meaning of Unintended (in my non-mother tounge English)

Many of us defining “unintended” as “inadvertent” or “accidental” or “someone or something that wasn’t intended to be”. This is so true. But, unfortunately, there is an other meaning that almost forgotten, i.e. “ex intended”—either its ends in marriage or otherwise. :)

How can it be?