Friday, November 30, 2012


no more racism in football

To all who have claimed themselves as a sports team supporter, please use your sportmanship before you do something that may endangering others and sport it self.

A big condolence to what happen at Bukit Jalil Stadion in recent days.



Thursday, November 29, 2012

Process versus Final Result Part II

endless incoherent
my private collection
There is nothing I can do when my friends start to leave alternately, one by one. I know that they have to tread their own life path, which make their physical presence is no longer at my side. Escorting their fading footsteps, I only have a bunch of hope in my heart that I’m able to keep them in my memory.
And now I truly feel glad seeing most of them have attain their success, even though I’m still slumping in this corner of life where things seemed increasingly hostile day by day.

"I always believe that life is a continual process and not a mere final result," said a new friend replying my complaint. "There's always chances for us to be a better person. Beside, this life is too precious for regretting the past that will never return. Humankind maybe the only creatures that equipped with ability to complaint. Yet, spending time in that negative attitude does not necessarily make them humane. It is just not a wise thing to do, you know. "

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Parent-Child Conflict - as told by Alissa Wahid

parent-child conflict
Recently, I have collecting messages from a twitter account belongs to Alissa Wahid, an Indonesian family psychologist. There, at her tweets, she shares some practical tips and important things in managing parent-child conflict.
Well, with learning and sharing spirits, I try to compile it here, even though I’m aware that me myself is the person most in need of this.
May this shares be useful.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

AutoBlogging is Annoying?

earn money by autoblogging?
AutoBlogging is considered to have an ability to helps us build multiple revenue streams online just by a few clicks of the mouse. What is this thing really? What is this software actually? Do we really need this kind a thing to create profitable blogs with ease? 

I think this AutoBlogging thing is against our honest spirit in respecting rights and avoiding plagiarism. In the end, everything is depending on our honesty. Nonetheless, we still beleive that honesty is the best policy. Are'nt we?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Gus Dur and Syi'ir Tanpo Waton Part III

Gus Dur
With an exceptional apology, I'm asking forgiveness for writing wrong story about Syiir Tanpo Waton in my last two posts. There, with a plain word, I wrote "...'Syi'ir Tanpo Waton' composed by Gus Dur..." and when a friend with wordpress account name 'heruyaheru' told me about my mistake, I start to seek a more accurate information. And, I have found out that what I have wrote is absolutly reflects my negligence.

In this post, I'm terribly sorry and I'll try my best to fix those two posts. Syi'ir Tanpo Waton is actually written by Gus Nizam, which amazingly has a voice that almost similar to Gus Dur's. And, by this point, many people become familiar and think that this syi'ir was written by Gus Dur.

Thanks again to Kang 'heruyaheru' for this.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Gus Dur and Syi'ir Tanpo Waton Part II

Gus Dur
Yesterday, I have promised to translate "Syi'ir Tanpo Waton". Now, allow me to fulfil that promise to you. I hope you can see why so many people, especially here in Indonesia, like the syi'ir that reflects Gus Dur humanist teachings.

As Moh Yasir Alimi, a researcher at the Center for Cultural Pluralism, Democracy and Character Building at Semarang State University, wrote for TheJakartaPost: "Gus Dur is no longer with us, but Gus Dur is like a pebble dropped in water that vanishes, as James W. Foley described in his poem. 'But there are half-a-hundred (perhaps endless) ripples circling on and on and on/ Spreading, spreading from the center, flowing on out to the sea/And there is no way of telling where the end is going to be.'"

So, Alimi is hoping that let the memory of Gus Dur warm our hearts and help us to handle the hatred and violence that dominates our public life today. Remembering the spirit of Gus Dur, let us embrace the words of Rumi: “Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder. Help someone’s soul heal. Walk out of your house like a shepherd.”

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Gus Dur and Syi'ir Tanpo Waton

gus dur
Gus Dur’s charisma, even after his demise, can be traced in his spritual fame that has became legacy for humanity. Its’ so embedded and phenomenal. Following is a “syi'ir” or poem in Javanese that often considered as reflections of Gus Dur's humanist teachings. 

This poem, which composed by Gus Nizam from Pesantren Darul Shofa Wal Wafa Desa Tanggul Simoketawang,Wonoayu Krian Sidoarjo, is often considered composed by Gus Dur—and I was one of those who thinks so. This is mainly because each line in the poem is so close to Gus Dur personality in defending pluralism and humanity in Indonesia.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Happy New Islamic Year 1434 Hijra


Happy New Islamic Year 1434 Hijra

May this year be a year full of baraka, and all of us will be bestowed a fine healthiness, overwhelmed with an abundant rizq, endued a fine settlement in every problem we faced, and given consistency in worshiping, praising, and glorifying Allah Ta’ala, amin.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Robert Ornstein: The Psychology of Consciousness

The Psychology of Consciousness
The Classic Study, Completely Revised & Updated
Robert Ornstein
Available in English, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean and Spanish.

In this revised edition of his revolutionary study, Robert Ornstein reexamines what is known about consciousness today and answers the question "What is consciousness?" through a consideration of intuition and reason. Ornstein goes beyond the theory that creative impulses originate in the right side of the brain and rational impulses originate in the left side to show how a synthesis of these two functions can bring about "a more complete science of human consciousness with an extended conception of our own capabilities."

Robert Ornstein: Biographical Information

While he is considered one of the world's foremost experts on the brain, psychologist Robert Ornstein has managed to extend that focus well beyond the pale of physiology, dedicating his professional life to increasing our understanding of human nature and the way we think, perceive, know and thrive. 

He is best known for his pioneering research on the bilateral specialization of the brain, which has given us the terms "right brain" and "left brain" and firmly established them as important concepts in today's lexicon. But just as significant have been his other contributions, among them:
  • The pioneering delineation of the close link between the mind and health;
  • The initial integration of key insights about human nature from traditional cultures into the framework of modern psychology;
  • The depiction of the mind as composed of multiple processing systems rather than being a unified whole;
  • The insight that our brain, evolved to suit the conditions of the Pleistocene era, is obsolete in its "software" to meet the formidable challenges of the 21st century and the call for "conscious evolution" to enable the necessary adaptation. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Celebrity Reactions to Barrack Obama's Win

Celebs Talk Politics, Video, Celebrities Celebrate Barack Obama Win, Celebrities Celebrate Obama, Celebrities React To Election, Celebrities Tweet Election, Celebrities Tweet Obama, Celebs React To Election, Hollywood Reacts To Elections, Hollywood Tweets Obama, Celebrity News

PaulMcCartney: Paul McCartney sends his support to @BarackObama @TheDemocrats #Election2012

TreySongz: Americans let your voice be heard!!! I spoke and said "OBAMA!!!!"

LennyKravitz: I voted. Go #vote

common: We Vote, We Win! PLEASE RETWEET #TeamObama

PamelaDAnderson: please-------VOTE!!!!! Vote for who you feel best represents our country world wide-- Obama Has the world's...

joeymcintyre: I'm voting for equality AND PROSPERITY!! I'm voting for Obama. #GoVote

iamdiddy: I'm calling it now, before CNN, before Fox News, Obama has been reelected. You've heard it here first. #VoteOrDie ....biaaatch. #OBAMA

octaviaspencer: CRYING MY EYES OUT RIGHT NOW! AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL! #SoProudOfTeamObama and everyone that i got to meet on the ground!

iamdiddy: It feels even better the secoond time around!!!! #obama2012

frandrescher: Americans have spoke w their vote. Middle class, women, gays, immigrants, the planet rejoice! 4more yrs! Now watch what happens. YES WE CAN!

ColbieCaillat: OBAMA!!!!!! I'm so happy!!!!! Congratulations @BarackObama!!!!!!!!! @MichelleObama!!!!!!!

iamrashidajones: A VERY BIG EXHALE. #RightSideOfHistory #fourmoreyears #Obama2012

kalpenn: Young people, you fought hard & pushed for #progress and this is historic & awesome! Congratulations, Mr. President!

WhoopiGoldberg: I'm so happy, NOW that it appears Prez.Obama has WON will all you racists & nasty vitriolic angry folks GO AWAY& take your CRAP w you.

mccordalex: Congratulations to our 44th President of the United States @barackobama #Election2012

ThisIsRobThomas: Congrats to obama! Now let's all get back together as one country.

WhoopiGoldberg: We as Americans have work to do&we dont have time 4 bullshit & we don't have time 4 ur bullshit.Prez.Obama WON& crying foul ain't gonna fly

pattyduke_id: President Barack Obama, President of the United States, Thank God and The Voters of The United States of America, @BarackObama :-) :-) :-)


DaRealAmberRose: Obama Won!!!! Yay! I'm gonna get so wasted tonight! Lol just kidding ;-) #4MoreYears goodnight my Loves xoxo :-)

IAMQUEENLATIFAH: Couldn't be more Proud of my Country...Congratulations Mr. President!!! Now let's get back to being "These United States of America"!!!

IAMQUEENLATIFAH: OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

joshgroban: Congrats Mr. President. I voted for you. Now please try and bring together this absurdly divided nation.

hughhefner: While I was playing dominoes with the girls, we got the news that Obama had been re-elected. We're celebrating at the Mansion.

MariahCarey: Congratulations to our beloved President Barack Obama, our spectacular First Lady Michelle Obama & the adorable Malia & Sasha. We love you!

TheRealEve: Amazing!!!! God Bless our President Barack Obama, our 1st Lady Michelle and his two beautiful children. #proud of #america #OBAMA2012

shondarhimes: Admitting that I danced it out to Obama's victory song in my living room....

TheRealEve: YES BARACK!!!!! #FourMoreYears

hughhefner: We listened to Obama's acceptance speech and now it's time to say goodnight. There are better times ahead for all of us.

MariahCarey: INCREDIBLE SPEECH!!!!!! Watching in a room full of diverse people-all truly moved. Thank you America for President Obama-4more yrs.

BigSean: Today was a GOOD day! #Obama


Is Additional Class Hour against The Sudent's Human Rights?

raise your hand, dear!
As a part of the national test preparation, some teachers in Indonesia began to add school hours for their students in order to make that those student are better prepared. Problems starts to arise when some people think this policy is violating the rights of the students.

Actually, this teacher's purpose is needs to be appreciated considering that they try to help their students to understand their lessons. But, unfortunately, not everyone agreed with this opinion.

The rejection is partly because extra classtime suggested by the teachers is lasted until evening, and it's considered to make students exhausted to follow next school day.


Monday, November 5, 2012

Power Struggle with Kids

power struggle can be manage
Strong-willed children tend to have a repeated power struggle. But there always a way to handle such a thing. For an example, a child that like to be hugged is better to be calmed down with hugs and kisses. The most important thing is, in calming the child down while power struggling, is to approach him or her in any kind of way that he or she like most.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Leaving Job for the Kids

Proud to be a staying-home Mom
Recently, I had a friend that tell me his story that a little bit touches my heart. With his permissions, I write the story here with a deal that I will never mention all the names involved.

My friend is a former freelancer in a small publishing company that becoming almost jobless with a little position that suit his skill. Concomitant with the need of a better skill of workers, my friend is start to lose a chance to work since he doesn't have a degree. 

Will ManUtd Win EPL This Season?

ManUtd consecutive wins
After winning consecutively against Chelsea and Arsenal, Manchester United is leading by one point at the top of England Premier League from The Blues and three points against their neighbour, Manchester City. It maybe too early to claim that ManUtd will once again dominating EPL this season for their performance still unstable. But, nonetheless, their consecutive winning against two their biggest rivals in the past ten years is worth apprecitation.

To be honest, as a Manchunian, I'm still worrying about the performance of United so far. Especially at the back line. I didn't say that ManUtd have to bringing on new signing at upcoming transfer window, but Ferdinand must show his experience in more elegant way. In the other side, Evans is also need to be more confident. Actually, I'm happy to see Evra captainship this season. And I'm also delighted with Raphael's agility. But I wonder why De Gea or Lindegard keep on picking up the ball that struck their net.

Well, however, I will say that ManUtd got only themselves to beat to once again rule the England Premier League. :)


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Question for the so-called Superhero

superhero gag
Why Superman's hair didn't wave when he flying to rescue? Is he use a special hair gel? Wonder why he never show up for hair gel commercials.... :)

What happen after Spiderman left his web hanging around while he keep on swinging? Doesn't that web have an adhesive thing that can cause a problem to ordinary people? :)

Batman? Is he really have no any ability to fly? Is his robe a mere complement? :)

Does Iron Man had an air conditioner inside his heavy armor? And where he place his fuel tank in the first place? :D

Tight suit never bother Cat Woman, is'nt it? But what make her change her suit so extremely? :)
